Recipe light Egg Salad
Prep time 7 mins
Cook time 10 mins
Assembly time 1 min
Total time 12 mins

3 eggs
Lettuce / Baby Salad leaves
Cherry tomatoes , handful
Spring onions
Dressing Ingredients
Salad Cream / preferred Salad dressing
Black pepper
Work simultaneously, leave eggs to boil and start on the other vegetables
Clean but pat dry vegetables before assembling
Wash 3 eggs and bring to a hard boil for 10 minutes on high heat Add a pinch of salt to the water.
Clean vegetables with vinegar and pat dry.
Time to slice
Place cherry tomatoes between two tipper ware lids and slice through for quick and even slices
Clean and chop spring onions
After 10 mins, remove the eggs and run under cold water
Assembly time
Start with a layer of shredded or hand pulled lettuce in my case my baby salad
Follow with spring onions and and tomatoes and add any vegetables of choice.
Feel free to freestyle at this point
Love to you all and I’ll see you in the next post